Grand Challenge Team Confidentiality Disclosure Tracker
Positive Impact
Established awareness to maintain confidentiality which reduced 80% of inadvertent disclosures.
Alleviated manual input and approval process burden on legal professionals and clients.
Adopted by many other teams across Amazon.
User Experience Designer
User Interface Designer
Product Designer
Product Manager
Pen & Paper
The Problem
Lack of confidentiality awareness resulting in press leaks due to inadvertent disclosures.
Team members are unaware how much information they can share about a confidential project, and unsure how much information non-member knows about a confidential project.

The Challenge
Design a way for the legal team to track every single individual disclosed on confidential projects in order to (1) control the flow of information, (2) educate employees how much information can be shared, and (3) establish confidentiality awareness.
Create a proposed solution within 3 weeks.
Proposed Solution
Product Goal
Product Goal
Track every single individual disclosed on any Grand Challenge Team Project, both internally (Amazon) and externally (non-Amazon).
Establish a culture of confidentiality through the approval process by controlling how much information members can share, and by educating them on how to handle confidential information.
Providing control for project leads
Establish accountability for each team member
3 Main Functions
One stop viewing: easily find out if someone is already disclosed on a specific project and how much information they know before discussing confidential information with them.
Systematic submission & approval of new disclosures: request to disclose additional people on a confidential project prior to meeting with them.
Ensure disclosees understand the importance of keeping Amazon GC projects confidential: once disclosure request is approved, the disclosee will receive an email highlighting their confidentiality obligation, which then must be acknowledged.
My Duties & Responsibilities
Ideation: Responsible for coming up with a solution to track individuals disclosed on all confidential projects while establishing control for Project Leads.
UI/UX: Designed the end-to-end user experience
Testing: Conducted usability testing and gathered feedback for improvement
Stakeholder Management: Worked closely with Legal, PR, & HR to develop content.
Collaboration: Worked closely with engineers and managers to develop site
Designing the Mechanics/User Flow


Designing the Form & Automated Disclosure Correspondence (NDAs)

Form V1
Form V2

Searching for Names to Identify Whether They have Disclosure Approval (V1)

The Landing Page in SharePoint